Download Packet Tracer 7.0 Source Installer: Download packet tracer 7.0 Install Packet Tracer 7.0 in Ubuntu Open the Terminal (keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+T) Enter the command to go Desktop: cd ~/Desktop/ Extract PacketTracer70_64bit_linux.tar.gz file with below command: tar -xvzf PacketTracer70_64bit_linux.tar.gz Go to “PacketTracer70” folder after extract: cd PacketTracer70/ Once you are in the directory use ./Install command: ./install admin@dell5547:~/Desktop/PacketTracer70$ ./install Welcome to Cisco Packet Tracer 7.0 Installation Read the following End User License Agreement “EULA” carefully. You must accept the terms of this EULA to install and use Cisco Packet Tracer. Press the Enter key to read the EULA. <~~ Press the Enter Cisco Packet Tracer Software License Agreement IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ THIS CISCO PACKET TRACER SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT (THE "AGREEMENT") CAREFULLY. DOWNLOADING...